SQL CLR Library , SQLCLR , CLR Routines , CLR Library , SQL Server CLR , Bulk Export , Regular Expressions , HTML Export , Generate Insert Statements , Median , Automation , RegEx 2025-3-31 13-15
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  SQL CLR Library , SQLCLR , CLR Routines , CLR Library , SQL Server CLR , Bulk Export , Regular Expressions , HTML Export , Generate Insert Statements , Median , Automation , RegEx Setting up your Twitter Application:
  1. Go to:

  2. If you are not logged in, use the “Sign in” link at the top:

  3. Click on your icon drop-down (top menu, right side) and select “My applications”:

  4. Click on the “Create New App” button on the right:

  5. Fill in:
    1. Name: This is what shows up when posting updates just underneath the text of the update, as in:
      Date and Time via _Application Name_
      This name needs to be unique within Twitter and if it is not you will be notified when you try to save the Application.
    2. Description: You need to have at least 10 characters here.
    3. Website: This cannot be blank

  6. Check the “Yes, I agree” checkbox below the “Developer Rules of the Road” and click the “Create your Twitter application” at the bottom.

  7. You are now directed to your application page with the URL being:
    If you need to request xAuth access, this is the ApplicationID they will want.

  8. Click on the “Permissions” tab.

  9. Under “Access”, select the “Read, Write and Access direct messages” radio-button and click the “Update settings” button at the bottom. Note: you will get a warning if your Twitter account does not have a mobile number configured in your profile.

  10. Click on the “API Keys” tab.

  11. In the top section, “Application settings”, the first two items are the “API key” and “API secret” (previously named “ConsumerKey” and “ConsumerSecret”, respectively). These two values identify your application and are needed for ALL SQL# Twitter functions (whether you use xAuth or not). These values will change if you update the “Access” setting on the “Permissions” tab or if you click the “Regenerate API keys” button in the “Application actions” subsection. Make sure that “Access level” in “Application settings” shows “Read, Write and Access direct messages” and that you are using the current values for the “API key” and “API secret”.

  12. Scroll down to the “Your access token” section. The first time you come to this section it will be empty outside of a “Token actions” subsection. Click the “Create my access token” button in the “Token actions” subsection.

  13. Scroll down to the “Your access token” section. If there is no new information in this section then you might need to refresh your browser (it takes a few moments for Twitter to generate the info). The two values shown here – “Access token” and “Access token secret” – are the other two values you need for the SQL# Twitter functions (for most users). Verify that “Access level” in this section shows the same “Read, Write and Access direct messages” value that we used above in the “Application settings” section. If it shows “Read only” you will need to change the “Access” value under the “Permissions” tab and come back here to click on the “Regenerate my access token” button.

SQL# Twitter Examples:
  • In either case, run the following once:
    EXEC SQL#.SQLsharp_SetSecurity 2, 'SQL#.Twitterizer'

  • Typical Usage:
            @APISecret NVARCHAR(100),
            @AccessToken NVARCHAR(100),
            @AccessTokenSecret NVARCHAR(100)
    SELECT  @APIKey = 'aaaaaaaaaaa',
            @APISecret = 'bbbbbbbbbbb',
            @AccessToken = '9999999-ccccccccccc',
            @AccessTokenSecret = 'ddddddddddddddd'
    SET @StatusID = SQL#.Twitter_Update(@APIKey, @APISecret,
        @AccessToken, @AccessTokenSecret, 'test!!!!!', NULL, NULL, NULL)
    SELECT @StatusID

  • Usage with xAuth:
            @APISecret NVARCHAR(100),
            @AccessToken NVARCHAR(100),
            @AccessTokenSecret NVARCHAR(100),
            @UserName NVARCHAR(100),
            @Password NVARCHAR(100)
    SELECT  @APIKey = 'aaaaaaaaaaa',
            @APISecret = 'bbbbbbbbbbb'
    SELECT  @UserName = 'myusername',
            @Password = 'mypassword'
    SELECT  @AccessToken = xauth.AccessToken,
            @AccessTokenSecret = xauth.AccessTokenSecret
    FROM    SQL#.Twitter_xAuth(@APIKey, @APISecret,
                               @UserName, @Password) xauth
    SET @StatusID = SQL#.Twitter_Update(@APIKey, @APISecret, @AccessToken,
        @AccessTokenSecret, 'test again!!!!!', NULL, NULL, NULL)
    SELECT @StatusID
SQL CLR Library , CLR Routines , CLR Library , SQL Server CLR , Bulk Export , Regular Expressions , HTML Export , Generate Insert Statements 2025-3-31 13-15