SQL CLR Library , SQLCLR , CLR Routines , CLR Library , SQL Server CLR , Bulk Export , Regular Expressions , HTML Export , Generate Insert Statements , Median , Automation , RegEx 2025-3-11 21-37
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  SQL CLR Library , SQLCLR , CLR Routines , CLR Library , SQL Server CLR , Bulk Export , Regular Expressions , HTML Export , Generate Insert Statements , Median , Automation , RegEx
Category In Free and Full versions Additional in Full version only
  1. Base2ToBase10
  2. Base10ToBase2
  3. BinarySidToSddl
  4. BinaryToHexString
  5. DateTimeToMSIntDate
  6. FromBase64
  7. HexStringToBinary
  8. HtmlToXml
  9. MSIntDateToDateTime
  10. ROT13
  11. SddlSidToBinary
  12. ToBase64
  13. UUDecode
  14. UUEncode
( none )
  1. Age
  2. BusinessDays
  3. DaysInMonth
  4. DaysInMonthFromDateTime
  5. DaysLeftInYear
  6. Extract
  7. FirstDayOfMonth
  8. Format
  9. FormatOffset
  10. FormatTimeSpan
  11. FromUNIXTime
  12. FullDateString
  13. FullTimeString
  14. GetDateTimeFromIntVals
  15. GetIntDate
  16. GetIntTime
  17. IsBusinessDay
  18. IsLeapYear
  19. LastDayOfMonth
  20. NewDateTime
  21. NthOccurrenceOfWeekday
  22. ToUNIXTime
  23. Truncate
  1. BusinessDaysAdd
  2. DaysLeftInMonth
  3. FullDateTimeString
  4. IsDaylightSavingTime
  5. ToLocalTime
  6. ToUniversalTime
  1. BulkCopy
  2. WaitForDelay
  1. BulkExport
  2. CreateOrAlterQueryInfoTables
  3. CurrentSQLStatement
  4. DescribeResultSets
  5. DeserializeResults
  6. DumpData
  7. ForEach
  8. GetQueryInfo
  9. HTMLExport
  10. NewID
  11. SerializeResults
  12. SerializeResultsInChunks
  13. ThrowException
  14. TryCatch
(File System)
( none )
  1. ChangeEncoding
  2. CheckLongPathSupportRequirements
  3. Copy
  4. CopyMultiple
  5. CreateDirectory
  6. CreateTempFile
  7. CurrentEncoding
  8. Decrypt
  9. Delete
  10. DeleteDirectory
  11. DeleteMultiple
  12. Encrypt
  13. FileExists
  14. GetCRC32
  15. GetDirectoryListing
  16. GetDirectoryName
  17. GetDriveInfo
  18. GetFile
  19. GetFileBinary
  20. GetFileInfo
  21. GetFileName
  22. GetFullPath
  23. GetHashBinary
  24. GetLineCount
  25. GetRandomFileName
  26. GetRootDirectory
  27. GetTempPath
  28. GUnzip
  29. GZip
  30. Move
  31. MoveDirectory
  32. MoveMultiple
  33. PathExists
  34. SplitIntoFields
  35. Touch
  36. WriteFile
  37. WriteFileBinary
  1. AddressToNumber
  2. HTMLDecode
  3. HTMLEncode
  4. IsValidIPAddress
  5. NumberToAddress
  6. URIDecode
  7. URIEncode
  8. URIEncodeData
  9. URIGetInfo
  10. URIGetLeftPart
  1. DownloadFile
  2. FTPDo
  3. FTPGet
  4. FTPGetBinary
  5. FTPGetFile
  6. FTPPut
  7. FTPPutBinary
  8. FTPPutFile
  9. GetConnectionLimitForURI
  10. GetCurrentConnectionCountForURI
  11. GetHostName
  12. GetIPAddress
  13. GetIPAddressList
  14. GetWebPages
  15. Ping
  16. PingTime
  17. SetConnectionLimitForURI
  18. SplitIntoFields
  19. URIDecodePlus
JSON ( none )
  1. JSONtoXML
  2. XMLtoJSON
  1. GetCountryInfo
  2. GetStateInfo
( none )
  1. CompoundAmortizationSchedule
  2. CompoundAmortizationSchedule2
  3. Constant
  4. Convert
  5. Cosh
  6. CubeRoot
  7. Factorial
  8. FormatDecimal
  9. IsPrime
  10. RandomRange
  11. RoundToEvenDecimal
  12. RoundToEvenFloat
  13. Sinh
  14. Tanh
  15. Truncate
  1. BitwiseLeftShift
  2. BitwiseRightShift
  3. FormatFloat
  4. FormatInteger
  5. IEEERemainder
  6. NthRoot
  1. EventLogRead
  2. EventLogWrite
  3. GenerateTone
  4. MachineName
  5. ServiceAccount
  6. Uptime
  1. GetEnvironmentVariable
  2. GetEnvironmentVariables
  3. GetSystemEnvironmentVariable
  4. GetSystemEnvironmentVariables
  5. GetUserEnvironmentVariable
  6. GetUserEnvironmentVariables
  7. IsBinarySidAValidWindowsAccount
  8. IsSddlSidAValidWindowsAccount
  9. PerfCounterAddData
  10. PerfCounterCreateCategory
  11. PerfCounterGetSample
  12. PerfCounterGetValue
  13. ProcessGetInfo
  14. ProcessKill
  15. ProcessStart
  16. SetEnvironmentVariable
  17. SetUserEnvironmentVariable
  18. StartTime
  19. TranslateSddlSidToName
  1. CaptureGroup (and 4k **)
  2. CaptureGroupCapture (and 4k **)
  3. Escape (and 4k **)
  4. GetCacheSize
  5. Index (and 4k **)
  6. IsMatch (and 4k **)
  7. Match (and 4k **)
  8. Matches (and 4k **)
  9. MatchLength (and 4k **)
  10. MatchSimple (and 4k **)
  11. Replace (and 4k **)
  12. ReplaceIfMatched (and 4k **)
  13. Split (and 4k **)
  14. Unescape (and 4k **)
  1. CaptureGroupCaptures (and 4k **)
  2. CaptureGroups (and 4k **)
  3. SetCacheSize
Running Total ( none )
  1. Add
  2. CacheSize
  3. ClearCache
  4. Get
  1. DisplayEULA
  2. GrantPermissions
  3. Help
  4. InstanceSetup
  5. IsUpdateAvailable
  6. ManualMetadata
  7. ManualRevisionNumber
  8. SaveManualToDisk
  9. SetSecurity
  10. Setup
  11. Uninstall
  12. UnloadAppDomain
  13. Version
  14. WebSite
  1. Download
  1. Contains
  2. Count
  3. Cut
  4. EndsWith
  5. Equals
  6. IndexOf
  7. InitCap
  8. IsNumeric
  9. Join
  10. LastIndexOf (and 4k **)
  11. Newline
  12. NthIndexOf
  13. PadLeft
  14. PadRight
  15. Replace
  16. Split (and 4k **)
  17. SplitInts (and 4k **)
  18. StartsWith
  19. ToLowerInvariant (and 4k **)
  20. ToTitleCase (and 4k **)
  21. ToUpperInvariant (and 4k **)
  22. Trim (and 4k **)
  23. TryParseToDateTime
  24. TryParseToDecimal
  25. TryParseToInt
  26. Unescape (and 4k **)
  27. WordWrap
  1. CompareSplitValues
  2. CompareWithDynamicCollation
  3. DamerauLevenshteinDistance
  4. DamerauLevenshteinDistancePlus
  5. FixedWidthIndex
  6. FixedWidthSplit
  7. LevenshteinDistance
  8. LevenshteinDistancePlus
  9. PadBoth (and 4k **)
  10. RemoveDiacritics (and 4k **)
  11. SplitIntoGuids (and 4k **)
  12. SplitIntoIntegers (and 4k **)
  13. SplitKeyValuePairs (and 4k **)
  14. SplitResultIntoFields
  15. TrimChars (and 4k **)
  16. TrimEnd (and 4k **)
  17. TrimStart (and 4k **)
( none )
  1. AllAssemblies
  2. AssemblyName
  3. IndexName
  4. LockResource
  5. Objects

( Direct Message functions no longer work. Hope to fix at least "Send" in upcoming release. )

  1. BlockUser
  2. CreateFavorite
  3. DestroyDirectMessage
  4. DestroyFavorite
  5. DestroyStatus
  6. FollowUser
  7. GetBlocks
  8. GetFavorites
  9. GetFollowers
  10. GetFriends
  11. GetHomeTimeline
  12. GetMentions
  13. GetMessages
  14. GetRetweetedBy
  15. GetRetweets
  16. GetRetweetsOfMe
  17. GetSentMessages
  18. GetStatus
  19. GetUser
  20. GetUserByScreenName
  21. GetUserTimeline
  22. Retweet
  23. SendDirectMessage
  24. UnBlockUser
  25. UnFollowUser
  26. Update
  27. xAuth
  1. GetApiResponseJSON
  2. GetApiResponseXML
  3. GetBlockedUserIDs
  4. GetFollowerUserIDs
  5. GetFriendUserIDs
  6. GetMutedUserIDs
  7. GetMutes
  8. GetStatusesByStatusIDs
  9. GetUsersByScreenNames
  10. GetUsersByUserIDs
  11. MuteUser
  12. SearchTweets
  13. UnMuteUser
  14. UnRetweet
  1. CRC32
  2. Deflate
  3. GenerateDateTimeRange
  4. GenerateDateTimes
  5. GenerateFloatRange
  6. GenerateFloats
  7. GenerateIntRange
  8. GenerateInts
  9. GetTotalMemory
  10. GUnzip
  11. GZip
  12. Hash
  13. HashBinary
  14. Inflate
  15. IsValidCC
  16. IsValidCCNumber
  17. IsValidCheckRoutingNumber
  18. IsValidConvert
  19. IsValidPostalCode
  20. IsValidSSN
  21. ToWords
  1. GarbageCollect
  2. GetBase2Bits
  3. GetCreditCardInfo
  4. GetCreditCardType
  5. Paginate
  6. Print
  7. UnBitMask
XML ( none )
  1. EscapeContent
  2. SaveToFile
  3. Transform
  4. UnescapeContent
User-Defined Aggregates
  1. GeometricAvg
  2. Join
  3. JoinDelim
  4. Median
  5. Random
  6. RootMeanSqr
  1. BitwiseAND
  2. BitwiseOR
  3. BitwiseXOR
  4. HarmonicMean
  5. JoinPlus
User-Defined Types
  1. FloatArray
  2. HashTable
  3. NVarcharArray
( none )
184 objects (plus 21 "4k" versions **) 163 objects (plus 10 "4k" versions **)
347 total objects (plus 31 total "4k" versions **)

** "4k" versions: Quite a few of the String and RegEx functions that have NVARCHAR(MAX) input parameters, and/or output parameters, and/or return types have a second T-SQL wrapper object, pointing to the same .NET method, but that does not use any MAX type, instead using NVARCHAR(4000). The problem with NVARCHAR(MAX) is that if there is even one of them in the object's signature, then there is a noticable performance hit. If the function you are using has a "4k" version and the parameters, return type, or result set fields are guaranteed to never hold more than 4000 characters (or more accurately: 8000 bytes worth of characters since Supplementary Characters are 4 bytes each), then use the "4k" version as it will perform better.

What can SQL# do?

  • SQL# gives you the easiest access to the power of the CLR!
    -- Over 340 Procs and Functions, 11 User-Defined Aggregates, 3 User-Defined Types, and more being added!

  • SQL# installs easily and in moments!
    -- download one small install sql script, execute it, and enjoy the power of the CLR!

  • SQL# is backed up and restored with the database along with all other objects and data!
    -- no need to worry about separate DLLs as with COM Extended Stored Procedures

  • SQL# has the PDF manual embedded in it!
    -- if you ever lose the documention and aren't connected to the Internet, the worst off you are is one procedure call away from extracting the manual to disk!

  • SQL# saves countless hours learning CLR and .NET, not to mention the time spent testing and fixing (repreat several times)!
    -- time is money and you have work to do so why stop and learn yet another language, especially when you might need to purchase additional software just to compile a basic function!

  • SQL# lets you focus on SQL programming without sacrificing the power of the CLR!
    -- again, there is only so much time in the day so do you want to spend it NOT being productive?

SQL CLR Library , CLR Routines , CLR Library , SQL Server CLR , Bulk Export , Regular Expressions , HTML Export , Generate Insert Statements 2025-3-11 21-37